Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OK. So I only got to fifteen days of thanks...believe me, I have alot more that 15, or 30 reasons to be thankful, but please forgive the neglect. I am just not into blogging :(.  But more than ever, I would love to post my crochet without further ado, here are some hats I was commissioned to make for Christmas gifts.
This customer let me know that the Hunter Orange Hats were a big hit with his family and has ordered seven more!! The baby hats were really cute on the babes and the mom loved the blanket! He loved giving these gifts as inexpensive 'extras' for his family. Thanks, Joe! His daughter has ordered five Chemo Caps for a friend of hers that is going to start treatments soon.

Have I ever said how much I love to crochet? LOL

Have a blessed day, everyone, and thanks for looking!

Peace to you,

Friday, November 16, 2012

My 30 Days of Thanks - Day Fifteen

Day 15:  I am thankful for our car.

Living in a rural city, I am so blessed to have a car. My health would never allow me to walk to the closest store, much less to Walmart or Hobby Lobby! (Those are about the only stores we shop). She's old and a lil worn out, just like Mark and me. Ya have to smack the dashboard to get the speedometer to work, and the heater doesn't work, and she needs new tires big time, but she keeps gettin us from point A to point B. And that's all that matters :)

Thank you, Jesus, for our car.


My 30 Days of Thanks - Day Fourteen

Day 14:  I am thankful for the Bible.

After all these years it has finally clicked with me! I absolutely LOVE reading the bible now! It's like an awesome story of God and His Son. I am thrilled that my Blessed Mother and The Holy Spirit living in her opened my heart, mind, soul, and eyes to be able to finally get it!

Thank You, my Almighty Father, for the Bible.

May God bless you,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My 30 Days of Thanks - Day Thirteen

Day 13:  I am thankful for this beautiful, autumn weather!

The weather is fantastic right now! It is cool, almost cold, but sunny!

Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful weather.

Blessings to you,

My 30 Days of Thanks - Day Twelve

Day 12:  I am thankful for my parents.

I dearly love my parents. They have both gone home to the Lord, and man, I miss them. My father was a wonderful dad, spending time with us, having fun most of the time. My mother came to be my best friend. I only wish I spent more time with her as she passed when I was 22 years old, ya know, just figuring out that I didn't know it all and she had much to teach me. My favorite memory is them sitting in their recliners, daddy LOLing at the Three Stooges and momma crocheting, cross stitching, needlepointing, or knitting (think she's where I get my love for needlework? lol)

Thank you, Jesus, for my parents.

May the peace of God be with you,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My 30 Days of Thanks - Days Nine, Ten, and Eleven

Day 9:  I am thankful for the gift of the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours).

Mark and I try to do the entire Office every day. We almost always do the Invitatory and Morning Prayer. And usually do the evening and night. But now that we are going to daily mass at 12:20p, we should be able to do the whole day/night. There is the Invitatory, Office of Readings, Morning, Daytime, Evening, and Night Prayers. If you have never used this gift, it will bring you closer to our Savior!

There is this awesome website, , that is always 'up' on my laptop, all day, every day! It is very user friendly.

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of the Divine Office.

Day 10:  I am thankful for the gift of Grace.

It is only by my gift of grace from God Himself that I am still living on this earth! Oh, the things I have done and the messes I have gotten myself into (that darn free will of mine), I am convinced that God has way more for me to do in this life! Lord God, I am Yours to do with what You will. Whatever pleases You most. Take me, mold me, teach me Your will.

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of Gace.

Day 11:  I am thankful for our Military Veterans.

On this day we 'officially' honor our Military Veterans, both past and present, but I am thankful for them everyday. Without them sacrificing themselves and their families to serve this great country of ours, we would never know the freedoms we have now.

Thank you, Jesus, for our Military Veterans.

Peace be with you,

Friday, November 9, 2012

My 30 Days of Thanks - Day Eight

Day 8:  I am thankful for The Rosary.

I love praying the Rosary. The Mysteries tell the life of Christ. I feel so at peace when I am praying them. Mark and I pray the Rosary at church with others, we pray with EWTN, or we pray them together, just him and me. We would love to get a lil group here at our house going.....if anyone is interested, just give me a holla!

Praise God,